TurboTax TXF specification for stock trades
For those who are looking information on the TurboTax TXF tax exchange format, scroll down...
For years, I have downloaded my stock trade information from my trading institution, manipulated it into pairs of buys and sells, and transferred that information into TurboTax. Initially, I had copy-pasted the information into the TurboTax fields. That took hours. In later years, I developed Perl and AutoIT programs that automated the data entry. (It was satisfying to sit back and watch the cursor jump from field to field and click button after button, as if I were operating the mouse and keyboard. But then, this year, changes in TurboTax prevent my AutoIT program from finding the entry fields. Ugh. Would I have to enter the data manually again? Please, no. And I do not want to pay for and manually enter stock information into Quicken.
TurboTax had an option for importing stock information. I only had to have a file in TXF format (Tax Exchange Format or Tax Export Format). Surely, TurboTax/Intuit would have some description of that file format somewhere? Nope.
I found this description on a Russian site: http://www.softhelp.ru/fileformat/txf/txf.htm . Well, that page was difficult to read, so I connected online with a TurboTax/Intuit help agent and asked where I could learn about the TXF specification. After 45 minutes, the Intuit agent reported that she and her supervisor could not find any information. Wow. I gave them the link to the web page I'd found and thanked them for their time.
I gave the web page another look and started putting the pieces together. That page describes far more finance-related details than I needed; I just wanted to know about stocks. And it turns out that the format for stocks is straightforward.
With a little bit of programming, I manipulated my stock info into this new form, and TurboTax readily imported it.
Here is the basic form of a TXF file for stock trades.
Lines of a TXF start with single letters or with ^ or $. Start your txf file (e.g. myStocks.txf) with lines that identify the version (V) of TXF spec (036), a name (A) for your solution, the date (D) of the "export" of information to the file, and the record-ending symbol "^":
AMy stock data
D 12/31/2008
For each stock buy/sell, provide these four lines (the N321 informs TurboTax that it's a short term trade; use N323 for long term trades):
Follow those lines with the trade description (P), the sell and buy dates (D, D), the sell and buy amounts ($, $), and the record-ending symbol "^":
P100 shares of IBM
I recommend that you create two dummy records and try importing your txf file into TurboTax to confirm that it works. In my experimenting, I discovered that the buy and sell rows were backwards from what I thought the spec said.